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12 Steps for Back to School

Written by Marybeth Welty and Milena Morales of Sustainable Lifestyle Solutions as part of our Organizers Blogging Collab.

Kids are back to school and many things need organizing at home: work schedules, rest hours, toys and books, everything must find a time and place. It's true that during the holidays some routines of the day are lost. Those routines allow us to keep a balance between daily activities, as well as in every room of the house.

The great secret to calmness and order is to have a space for each thing, for each object. The happiness of knowing that everything is in its place generates so many health benefits and also frees up more time that you would have otherwise used to look for lost objects.

This week we are giving you some tips on small changes to improve your wellness while you bring back some order to your daily routine during this back-to-school time:

  1. Review, together with your children, the school supplies they currently have. Donate or throw away anything that is no longer needed. TIP: Schools, preschools, care homes, youth homes, and art programs will often take any usable supplies you’d like to.

  2. Make a list of what supplies they have and a list of what is missing or needed, this includes school supplies, clothes, shoes, backpacks, lunch boxes, etc. TIP: It can be good to have 2 sets of supplies - 1 set for them to take to school and 1 set for them to use at home.

  1. Label all items with their name, grade, teacher, and maybe phone number if you are comfortable with that.

  2. Assign a space in your house for the school supplies or items that your kids need. Organize the supplies and give the kids the responsibility of keeping everything in order. TIP: It’s great to get them involved in planning the space and how best to store each type of item. This will give them control and a sense of ownership and responsibility, and will help them be able to maintain the system better than if you do it for them. 👌

  3. Make sure that the space allocated for school supplies is within reach of your children so that they can do their activities and put the supplies back in place when they are finished.

  4. Create a daily routine with the kids where each moment of the day is divided into hours, from waking up to going to bed. This routine should include responsibilities and privileges. TIP: Kids thrive on structure and routine, and creating a schedule with them teaches them independence, time management, accountability, and project management.

  5. Prevent tiredness and sluggishness by implementing some basic aspects of the routine, such as bedtime, bathing, and feeding times 2 weeks before school begins. BONUS: This will also help you get better sleep once school comes too!

  1. 8. Organize the children's school clothes. If they wear uniforms, there should be at least 2 sets in order to give yourself the time for washing and ironing them.

  2. 9. Always organize everything the kids need for the next day the night before. TIP: Involve them in this activity so they can develop a sense of responsibility.

  3. 10. Make sure not to forget the personal protective equipment items like masks and sanitizers that will keep you and your kids safe during these pandemic times. TIP: Get a small pouch for extra masks to keep them clean. Pack 3-5 masks with them every day incase they get dirty and so they can change them throughout the day.

  4. 11. Organize your meal plan and select the recipes of the week for breakfasts, lunches, dinners, and snacks on the weekends. Do your grocery shopping and do any/as much meal prep as you can to make it easier for you when you come home from work and after school events. TIP: Make more than one meal at a time. Making a big pot of soup, several chicken breasts, a casserole, or something you can eat 2 nights of the week will help cut down on cooking time as well.

  5. 12. As a mother, father, or caregiver, make sure you also have your life in order and manage your time. Remember that you are a model for the little ones at home and they learn so much by observing their environment. TIP: If you need help managing all the things, please know you are not alone. We are here to help you plan everything out, get you organized, and make this school year as healthy, fun, and low stress as possible for both you and your kidlets.

The benefits of these things are endless and will make your days lighter and more enjoyable, not only in your role as a caregiver but in your own adult life as well. Keeping everything organized leads to a calmer, more relaxed, and healthier mindset. It makes you happier and able to sleep better so you can be your best self every day.

Melanie McConnell is a Professional Organizer and the owner of Mello Spaces. She helps busy professionals and parents get the organized home of their dreams. Check out her website and follow her on Instagram: @mellospaces

Florena Davies is a Professional Organizer and Owner of Organize by Flo. She uses her experience as a wife and mother of 2 to create real life organizational systems and changes for work and home that allow our 2 worlds to co-exist and 'Flo" together. Check out her website at and on instagram @organizebyflo.

Marybeth Welty is a Professional Organizer, Interior Designer, and Mindful Living Coach, and is the owner of Sustainable Lifestyle Solutions. She helps her clients create a calm, organized, and sustainable home and the life of their dreams by utilizing refined design principles, organizing best practices, mental wellness strategies, and a holistic lifestyle approach to sustainability. You can connect with her at and on Instagram at @this_sustainable_lifestyle.

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