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5 Top Tips To Rock Your Garage Sale To Maximize Your Profits

Written by Marybeth Welty and Milena Morales as part of our Organizers Blogging Collab.

I've noticed that with the nicer weather here many people are planning and getting ready for a garage or yard sale. A garage sale is always a good option to get rid of things that we no longer want, make some extra money and get more space when you are moving out or to create calm in your home.

I have helped many clients declutter/decide what they can let go, what can be sold, organize their sales, create little perks to attract customers, maximize their sales, and help them pass on anything that doesn’t get sold. I’ve done this both in person and virtually.

For these reasons, I want to share a process I’ve developed to help people go from house-o-clutter to a successful sale. 💰

Up leveling your Yard/Garage Sale to Maximize Profits and Create Calm In Your Home:

  1. Dedicate time to organizing:

Once the Garage Sale is raised as a serious project, take the time and dedication to make it happen, at least you will be in it for two or three weeks and the week before the Garage Sale you will be really busy.

  1. Find the right location:

Part of the success of your Garage Sale is that people can see it or know about it, so if you have a showy space, nearby or in a visible and accessible location, it is even better. But don't worry! If you don’t have a garage or yard your sale could be in your apartment, just make sure that you are doing a good advertisement.

  1. Get a team:

Having a successful Yard/Garage Sale is not complicated, don´t get overwhelmed! The key is organizing everything and having a good support system.

A successful Garage Sale requires being aware of many details and many people, so do not even try to do it alone, look for some extra hands that can support you. Get friends and family to help with your garage sale, it will be fun!

  1. Sort everything first:

Make a list of all the items that you want to sell. You can start with one room or one drawer but sort everything into categories, for example:

  • Men's Clothing and shoes

  • Women’s Clothing

  • Children’s Clothing

  • Small Appliances (toaster, blender, hand vacuum, etc.)

  • Housewares (frames, dishes, artwork, random pretty bowls to put stuff in, etc.)

  • Children’s toys

  • Books

  • Sporting Equipment

  • Camping Equipment

  • Unwanted pantry items (seriously)

  • Office supplies/equipment

  • Electronics (including old cell phones and chargers that still work)

  • Art and craft supplies

  • Etc.

Once you have your categories, decide what you want to keep and what can be let go of by separating the items you can let go of into 3 categories:

  1. Useable/sellable/in good condition

  2. Decent condition but missing a part or needs to be fixed

  3. Unfixable, worn out, holes in clothes, unsellable

*So for example, each category above will look something like this:

Men's clothing - 3 piles (good condition, decent but may have a stain, shirts/pants with holes)

5. Pricing/Labelling:

Price the items objectively in your garage sale according to realistic and fair prices.

Make a little research if you are not sure or ask your team, don't set prices considering the personal value that an item has for you. Make it look nice by labeling all items and using signs for categories, prices, deals and advertising.

6. Signage and diffusion:

Place larger signs in your yard/garage or around the neighborhood, to tell others about your event! Remember that it is about making your Garage Sale a success, so you have to promote it, start by making nice or fun posters, and a few days or weeks before, put them around your neighborhood. Distribute some flyers between your friends or neighbors, or put them in some businesses nearby.

But that is not enough. Nowadays, the internet is our best ally, so find groups to do it on Facebook, Instagram, and other social networks, invite everyone you know, announce surprises, maybe snacks, and more. If you are willing to pay a few dollars use the newspaper for ads or even better, create ads on Facebook or Instagram!

7. Day of the sale

  • Displaying items nicely! Think as if you are going to a nice retail store. How would things be folded? How would they be hung? Consider renting a clothing rack to hang things. It’s movable and functional to suit your space.

  • You can make it a little pop-up café as well. Have drinks and snacks for purchase while people browse. You could give small samples out for free. Things like cookies, brownies, donuts, fresh fruit, small sandwiches, and drinks like hot or iced coffee, teas, sodas, lemonade, or water. Things like fresh bread or pastries would be popular. People love food, especially homemade. Entice them to the sale with the promise of food. They will stay longer and buy more. Can you imagine how nice it would be to go to a garage sale and be able to purchase a loaf of fresh bread, a quart of homemade lemonade, and half a dozen brownies while you’re there, in addition to the other home items you find? I’d be so impressed!

Have fun and make the most of your Garage sale!

Melanie McConnell is a Professional Organizer and the owner of Mello Spaces. She helps busy professionals and parents get the organized home of their dreams. Check out her website and follow her on Instagram: @mellospaces

Florena Davies is a Professional Organizer and Owner of Organize by Flo. She uses her experience as a wife and mother of 2 to create real life organizational systems and changes for work and home that allow our 2 worlds to co-exist and 'Flo" together. Check out her website at and on instagram @organizebyflo.

Marybeth Welty helps women create calm and healthy homes and lives. With over 12 years of experience in organizing, interior design, sustainable building, and mindful living, Marybeth is passionate about improving your mental health, your work, your relationships, and supporting the life of your dreams by starting with where you live, your home. You can book a free meeting with her at and connect with her on Instagram at @this_sustainable_lifestyle.

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