Written By Melanie McConnell
Mornings are a hectic time where so many things need to be done in a short period of time. Usually rushing around and yelling at your kids to hurry up is a constant occurrence. BUT what if I told you that you could have a stress free morning. Here are 7 simple ways you can create a stress free morning.
1. Lay out your child’s clothes for the entire week. I suggest looking at the forecast and having hangers or bins that are labeled with the days of the week. That way when the school day comes you can just get dressed and go.
2. Pack up backpacks and leave them by the door. Having everything in the backpack ready to go makes the transition to school smooth. Get in the routine of putting homework, signed forms etc. in the bag the night before.

3. Prep sports bags and extra curricular activity bags ahead of time. Have these packed and ready by the door. In the morning you can just grab the bag and throw it in the car.
4. Snack Drawer. An easy to access place where kids can grab snacks when they are hungry or for their lunches. It encourages them to be independent and gives you more free time. Learn to make your own here.

5. Lunches. Pack school lunches the night before. Trust me, this is a game changer!
6. Have a morning routine chart. Children check off each activity as they complete it. Create one that includes pictures and words for younger kids.
7.Don’t forget list. Hang a list on the back of the door with important last minute reminders.
Melanie McConnell is a Professional Organizer and the owner of Mello Spaces. She helps busy professionals and parents get the organized home of their dreams. Check out her website www.mellospaces.com and follow her on Instagram: @mellospaces
Florena Davies is a Professional Organizer and Owner of Organize by Flo. She uses her experience as a wife and mother of 2 to create real life organizational systems and changes for work and home that allow our 2 worlds to co-exist and 'Flo" together. Check out her website at https://www.organizebyflo.com/ and on instagram @organizebyflo.