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Getting Organized For Back to School

As we are approaching our kids heading back to school, we start getting excited. As we get excited for school supply shopping, back to school clothes etc. Here are a few tips and tricks for everything to go seamlessly and for you to not end up with tons of extras floating around your home.

Gather all supplies brought home from last year into one area and go through their supply list and check off the items they already have. This is vital for you to not end up with a ton of extra supplies. Ensure their backpacks are in good condition before you grab a new one and wash them up if they are still in good condition but need a bit of a cleaning. A little tip, if your finding you have way to many already of an item, schools usually will take extra supplies for students who are maybe a little less fortunate. Don’t forget to Label your school supplies!

Go through all your kids’ clothes BEFORE heading to your mall to buy those super cute outfits for the school year. Get your kids to try on their jackets from last year and see if they still fit. Remember to donate all the clothes before heading out so your kids don’t decide to try and rummage through the clothes and you find them wearing a way too small shirt or pants to school.

We all tend to fall off on routine during the summer so at least two weeks prior start getting your kids back to bed early again and up at a semi decent hour. Otherwise, your might find you have some extra cranky kids for the first week or two heading back to school and that is not the way we would dream of starting off the school year we were so excited for.

If you have a mask mandate in your area or are more comfortable with your kids wearing masks still remember a little mask pouch for their backpacks with a couple clean masks to use throughout the day and some sanitizer. Set a reminder each day so you remember to check it and replenish the masks.

Hopefully these tips and tricks ensure you and your children have an easy transition back into the school world and everyone can relax and enjoy the new school year.

Florena Davies is a Professional Organizer and Owner of Organize by Flo. She uses her experience as a wife and mother of 2 to create real life organizational systems and changes for work and home that allow our 2 worlds to co-exist and 'Flo" together. Check out her website at and on Instagram @organizebyflo.

Melanie McConnell is a Professional Organizer and the owner of Mello Spaces. She helps busy professionals and parents get the organized home of their dreams. Check out her website and follow her on Instagram: @mellospaces

Marybeth Welty is a Professional Organizer, Interior Designer, and Mindful Living Coach, and is the owner of Sustainable Lifestyle Solutions. She helps her clients create a calm, organized, and sustainable home and the life of their dreams by utilizing refined design principles, organizing best practices, mental wellness strategies, and a holistic lifestyle approach to sustainability. You can connect with her at and on Instagram at @this_sustainable_lifestyle.

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